Homeopathy has been a passion of mine since I was at high school. It is how I first learnt that I want to help others, and that I am intuitive. It was as I first learnt about homeopathy that I knew one day it would become my destiny, “one day when I was old enough and had more life experience”.
My life took some twists and turns, I got the life experience I thought I needed. Until finally it felt like it was Time.
Today I would like to help you heal with homeopathy.
That was my basic journey ~ What is Yours?
In order to help you best, it would be helpful to know a little about you. Where do you come from – and by this I don’t just mean where are you globally? Where are you in your life? Are you happy or sad? What has brought you to seek help?
A little introduction about yourself will get us talking and we can see how to go from there.
Maybe you’re somewhere in the world other than the UK and are looking for homeopathic treatment online?
I can help you
My homeopathy is tailor-made to suit your needs. My hours are flexible as I work from home. My rates are affordable. And most of all I listen and I care.
I communicate mostly via email or social media. I am a sensitive intuitive so this written format helps me work in the most productive way.
I work differently to other homeopaths. Because I am intuitive I sometimes pick up on a specific remedy being right for you. I can’t ignore the signs when I feel this intuition. My work is very feeling-based in this way. I add to this intuition all the reading and research I can as I very much Love that and feel its importance. I balance intuition and learning. And I plan to embrace this love of research with adding plenty of pages of information to this website. I have an English Literature degree and used to work in publishing for 10 years so I honestly love reading, writing and detail.
I also come to homeopathy from a spiritual background in energy healing. If this is not what you are looking for then we can keep to straightforward “normal” homeopathy. But if you are interested in a range of alternative therapies I do have 10 years of experience in distant healing (Reiki), energy clearing and crystal healing too, with a vast range of experience with clients across the world. See my website www.FireBeans.com for more information as I still work in these areas as well.
Homeopathy is my latest addition but my original love and I’d like to share it with you today.
Tell me more about yourself:

You can also email me at info@homeopathicme.com
Or simply book your first course of treatment today
£14.99 for a discounted first session (Limited Offer).
Please note: that this £14.99 offer does not include your remedies. Please see my page on how we source remedies.